Tori and Tim Engagement

Tim and Tori love each other…. and their 11 dogs. So it was only natural we shared their two loves with all of you. We met on Beach Lake to shoot their engagement session. And for once, the bride and groom brought more gear than I did… In fact, they brought a whole truck full...

The ULTIMATE Birthday Party

Kaitlyn is one special girl… and the other day, she turned 5 years old! 🙂   Kaitlyn’s mama wore this dress when Kaitlyn was 2 days old.  Every year on Kaitlyn’s birthday, Kaitlyn’s mama puts the dress on her.   It won’t be long before she fits it! Kaitlyn has the ultimate play room. With...

Mallory {the wedding}

Aubrey and Austin February 22, 2013 If family were the current currency, Aubrey and Austin are a wealthy couple!   These two are blessed with a many good people that love them.  From the littlest babies, to the Grandmas and Grandpas, each person in the Mallory / Sims / Bales / Doner families had a...

grab a cup

for the love of photography

Freshon theBlog