The Moyer Wedding

It almost sounds like a fairy tale beginning: “On the banks of the Kashwitna River in rural Alaska there was a little cabin. It was filled with love and family… good food and drinks… a loyal dog… but the most special thing of all was a much loved daughter and her soon to be husband.”

Maddie was a knockout in that gown! Whoa!
Hay bales covered with family quilts, string lights and a little stage were all set up. It made the ceremony site so rustic and elegant!
Tanner’s mom pinned on his boutonniere
The first look was so sweet!
Their sweet pup had to get in on the photos too!
I love all of Maddy’s details!
Maddy’s daddy cried for most of the day. He sure loves his baby girl.
This was really fun! They took polaroid photos with all the guests and people would tape them in their guest book with loving words and bits of flowers to be pressed into the book. Maddy included her vows. It was really sweet!
Some of the kids and even the flower girl played down in the mud by the side of the river!
Instead of wedding cake, the couple fed each other S’mores! Perfect for a rustic cabin wedding!

Congratulations to Maddy and Tanner! We’ll always remember the sweet intimate family wedding out in the woods!

Friends and Family, CLICK HERE to enjoy the rest of the photos from this gorgeous wedding!

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for the love of photography

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